Stephanie Damhuis
“Diagnosis and management of late-onset fetal growth restriction”
25 januari 2023Isabelle van Gruting
“Imaging modalities for the detection of posterior compartment disorders in women with obstructed defaecation syndrome”
27 januari 2023Ravi Vermeulen
“The impact of risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy”
31 januari 2023Anna Landman
"Aspirin for the prevention of spontaneous preterm birth”
15 februari 2023 (Vrije Universiteit)Annemijn de Ruigh
“Management and follow-up of preterm prelabour rupture of membranes and preterm birth”
22 maart 2023Noor Simons
“Follow-up and management of preterm prelabour rupture of membranes and preterm birth”
22 maart 2023Marissa Harmsen (benigne gynaecologie)
“Advancements in diagnosis and treatment of Adenomyosis”
10 mei 2023Dominique Werter
“Infections & pregnancy”
24 mei 2023Job Klumper (verloskunde)
“Preterm birth”
9 juni 2023Kimmy Rosielle (gynaecologie)
“Improving pregnancy chances and patient experiences in infertility”
22 juni 2023Tjitske Zaat (IVF lab)
“The New Age of Frozen Embryo Transfer”
14 september 2023Claudia Kowalik
“New insights into pelvic floor implants”
15 september 2023 (Universiteit van Amsterdam)Kimberley Anneveldt
“MR-HIFU: a choice to make for women suffering from uterine fibroids? Effectivity and societal impact of uterine fibroid MR-HIF"
20 november 2023Inge Jordans, gynaecologie
"Ultrasound evaluation of the uterine cesarean section scar"
28 november 2023Bo Bet, gynaecologie en verloskunde Spaarne Gasthuis
“Abnormal or unusual?”
1 december 2023